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Cultivate Well-being, Harvest Success

What Can Our Thriving World Help You Achieve?


Explore turnkey strategies to shift  self-limiting thoughts and enhance mindfulness for a more empowering mindset.


Uncover evidence-based self-care and self-love strategies that harmonize your professional and personal spheres.  


Explore practical tools to reduce stress and prevent burnout, empowering you to show up more fully for yourself, loved ones, and at work.

Working Together on Project

Our Thriving World LLC offers personal and professional development workshops and services designed to enhance workplace engagement and talent productivity while prioritizing employee well-being. Our workshops provide interactive learning experiences that incorporate creative reflection activities utilizing tree imagery. We offer flexible workshop durations ranging from 1 to 4 hours, one-day intensives, and workshop series. Whether conducted in-person or remotely, our workshops are tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Additionally, we provide pre and post assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of our workshops. Our commitment is to equip our clients with practical tools that can be seamlessly integrated into their professional and personal lives.

About Me

As the former founder and executive director of a nonprofit in New York City and a former educator, I wished I had known about these strategies. I struggled to juggle raising funds, overseeing operations, managing programs, building, managing, and engaging my board of directors, and meeting the needs of my team. All of this left me with very little energy to focus on myself and my family, leaving me feeling unfulfilled in all areas of my life.   Focused on putting out the lastest fire or trying to meet the next deadline, I seldom took the time to fully appreciate all of our successes and the impact we were having with the young people we served


That started to change in 2022 when I began participating in a personal development program focused on examining the various components that contribute to happiness. Through the multiple strategies and practices that were shared, I started to examine my beliefs and identify the ones that were holding me back. I learned strategies to tune into my body and listen to that inner voice that always tells me what feels good and what makes me come alive. To further my own learning about the growing field of positive psychology and happiness, I became a Happy for No Reason Certified Trainer and completed the Managing Happiness online course offered by HarvardX. While I am still on this happiness journey, I also realized that I want to spend my energy helping other people along their happiness journey.  All of this led me to found Our Thriving World, aiming to address stress and burnout prevalent in the nonprofit, business, and all areas of life. 


Ana Reyes, Founder and Principal

Teacher Assisting a Student

Do any of these questions speak to your needs?

  • Looking to enhance your team's physical, emotional, and mental well-being for reduced stress and burnout?

  • Want to cultivate a work environment where team members can find inner peace and joy, enabling them to thrive regardless of external circumstances?

  • Interested in empowering your team to enhance their relationships, leading to a more harmonious and collaborative workplace?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, Our Thriving World LLC would love to partner with you to support the well-being of your employees and improve productivity and effort at your team or organization.

The Bad News

* U.S. Surgeon General New Framework for Mental Health & Well-Being in the Workplace.  Oct 20, 2022.

The Good News

* Bellet, Clement and De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel and Ward, George, Does Employee Happiness have an Impact on Productivity? (October 14, 2019). Saïd Business School WP 2019-13, Available at SSRN: or

** Happiness and productivity: Understanding the happy-productive worker. 2015.”

Our Commitment to the Environment


At Our Thriving World, we understand the profound impact of nature on well-being. While our workshops are conducted indoors to provide a focused and comfortable learning environment, we creatively incorporate tree imagery into our reflection activities, inviting participants to connect with the wisdom and resilience found in the natural world.   We also welcome the opportunity to conduct activities outdoors. Research consistently shows that spending time in nature reduces stress, boosts mood, and enhances overall well-being. We believe that even through imagery and visualization, participants can tap into the healing power of nature. 


We also recognize that we are part of one giant ecosystem. Urban trees, gardens, and parks play a pivotal role in supporting our existence and promoting physical, mental, and emotional health. As a commitment to our mission, we allocate a percentage of the revenue from each service offering over $5,000 to support local charities or neighborhood groups dedicated to caring for trees in specific neighborhoods of NYC. By partnering with us, you contribute to the preservation and nurturing of our natural environment. Together, let's embrace the symbolic and transformative power of nature and cultivate a thriving world for all.

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